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RYA Powerboat Level 1

Powerboat Level 1

Start Powerboating Course

The RYA Powerboat Level 1 course is a comprehensive introduction to the essential skills and knowledge required for safe and confident powerboating. Designed for beginners with little to no experience operating powerboats, this course covers the basic skills and knowledge necessary for the safe operation of a powerboat.

rya 225x100 - RYA Powerboat Level 1

Duration: 1 Day

Also know as Level 1 Start Powerboating Course, this course particularly suits those who are keen for a basic introduction to power boating.

Book Your Powerboat Level 1 Course Today


Individual Bookings

£195.00 per person

(We do not charge extra for VAT, Fuel or a Fuel Surcharge)

Group Bookings

2 Persons – £175 per person
3 Persons – £150 per person

(when booked online, on the same course at the same time)

Online Bookings

(All availability and pricing is in realtime – check for late availability & special price courses)

We accept UK debit cards and VISA/Mastercard credit cards. (NO Charge for paying on debit or credit cards)

(Special Offers and Special Prices apply to new bookings only) To request further information on any Course please use the Chat Box at the bottom of this screen

Why Choose RYA Powerboat Level 1 Course?

Those considering buying a boat can get a good idea about boating by attending, and partners of boaters can use the course to acquire the skills necessary to handle a craft in an emergency if their partner is incapacitated. Those with their own boat, or acquiring one, should take the Powerboat Level 2 course (which covers things in far more depth) – achieving Level 1 is NOT a prerequisite before attending Level 2 training so Level 1 can be bypassed if required.

The RYA Powerboat Level 1 course acts as a good introduction to the world of power boating. Run over one day the course’s aim is to provide a practical introduction to boat handling and safety in powerboats. Your instructor will cover the following topics with you during your day with him/her:

  • Launch and recovery
  • Preparation of boat
  • Boat Handling
  • Picking up and securing to a mooring buoy
  • Leaving and coming alongside
  • Being towed

The shore based element of the day will cover personal buoyancy, insurance, loading and how this effects handling and performance, balance and trim, crew members, awareness of other water users, application of the collision regulations (IRPCS), local bylaws and accepting a tow and rope work.

The Powerboat Level1 courses are conducted at Ocean Village Marina, Southampton SO14 3XB.


No prior boating experience is necessary.

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